

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Thoughts on the Patterson Video.

When you first view the video, you think to yourself, this can't possibly be real. I'll admit, it's what I thought after first looking at it. Then you read about how it was certainly busted as a hoax, the costume maker and the person allegedly in the suit admitted it? You fall into the trap of just immediately dismissing it. There are some compelling arguments it has going for it however. With so many people claiming to be the man in the suit, how can you take one of their word without any hard evidence. The shoe can be on the other foot with regards to exploitation. The BFRO notes how many people tried to get rich of the "we exposed the Patterson footage" documentaries. Patterson even on his death bed never admitted to staging a hoax. What would he have to lose by finally admitting it then. This brings us to the actual footage.

The creature walking is just so calm, it doesn't run or anything. Patterson is smart enough to obtain this costume that looks so natural it stumps people for years. He sets up this elaborate hoax, but then just says lets have the bigfoot just stroll through the woods like he is going on a Sunday afternoon walk with miss daisey. It's just really weird to me. The bigfoot walks through the woods like a boss to be honest, like he owns the forest. The creature has encountered humans before so he probably doesn't feel immediately threatened. Why wouldn't they shoot? I wouldn't shoot if I saw that creature walking away from me in the woods, why would you draw attention to yourself and have it attack you? That video we posted mentions the hernia and if you look closely it is uncanny how the muscles move on the creature. The fur looks to be directly on the skin and muscles, the muscle movement looks legit. I don't see a suit there. 

Look this video has been analyzed a million different times, and now that Patterson is gone, I personally am not sure if I will ever know it was a hoax. The more I watch, and the more I think about it, I want to believe it is a Squatch. I guess until there is hard evidence one way or another there is no way anyone can say with 100 percent certainty that it was a hoax. 

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