

Monday, March 16, 2015

BFRO Report of the Day. Elk County Images

This report from 2007 has some photographic evidence attached to it that is pretty remarkable. The quick report is that a hunter was trying to capture a buck on his trail camera and ended up with this picture. This evidence is documented on the BFRO site here http://www.bfro.net/GDB/show_article.asp?id=544 . The more interesting link is from  the WPXI news website, which includes the photo. http://www.wpxi.com/news/news/bigfoot-images-captured-by-local-hunter/nGgTj/
A local forest ranger believes it is a mangy bear, the BFRO believes it's a juvenile Squatch. What do you believe?


  1. Could go either way, tough call. It seems like it has more primate limb proportions than it does bear proportions, JMO
