

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Introducing the Creatures!

Beast of Busco – Giant ancient turtle, Indiana

Beast of Bladenboro – Blood sucking cat like beast, North Carolina

Beast of Dartmoor - Lion pig beast, England

Beast of Gevaudan – Wolf like beast, France

Black panther – Large black cougar, East coast, Appalachian mountains

Boggy Creek Monster – Bigfoot-like creature from Arkansas

Caddy (cadborosaurus) – Sea monster from the pacific northwest coast.

Champ – Lake monster, Lake Champlain,  NY/VT

Chupacabra – Blood sucking spiny creature. Americas

Frogman – Half frog and half man from Loveland OH

Garou – Werewolf like creature, Louisiana, Cajun Werewolf

Gnome – Small mischievous humanoids, world wide

Goatman - Half Goat and Half Man from Maryland.

Hellhound – Large demonic wolf like canine with black fur and red eyes

Jersey Devil – Demonic flying biped with hooves. NJ

Lizard Man – Half lizard and half man from South Carolina

Man Bear Pig – Half man, half pig, half bear

Mongolian Death Worm – Gobi desert Mongolia (Think Tremors and Kevin Bacon)

Mermaid – Half fish and half human

Mokele-Mbembe – Dinosaur/Sauropod,  Republic of Congo

Mothman – Mothlike humanoid from West Virginia

Nessie – Sea Monster from Loch Ness, Scotland

Ogopogo – Lake monster, Lake Okanagan in Canada

Ozark Howler – Carnivorous mammal beast, AK, MI, OK and TX

Pope Lick Monster – Part human part goat/sheep, may resemble Minatare,  KY

Pukwudgie – Small humanoid creature, troll like features, can disappear, use magic, tricky, MA

Ropen – Flying Pterosaur, Papua New Guinea

Sasquatch – You know who I am

Skunk Ape – Bigfoot’s smaller smellier cousin from Florida

Thunderbird – Giant bird of prey, North America

Wendigo – Half human beast of Great Lakes areas US and Canada, thought that people who eat 
human flesh will turn into the wendigo.

Yeti – Bigfoots Himalayan relative


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