Having fun with friends and searching for Sasquatch. It's the PA Squatch Society. Contact us at pasquatchsociety@yahoo.com

Thursday, April 30, 2015
A Follower Details Possible Evidence From a Recent Camping Trip.
Only two tracks were visible about 50 feet apart. By the looks of it, the beast was playing with some elk, because there were several elk tracks that were clearly running. The size was almost the size of my foot print, I wear a 10.5 shoe. There were no sounds, but there was a tree that was jacked up. So maybe we aggravated it and it took it's aggression out on that or maybe it was mad it couldn't catch the elk. The camp is located on top of huston hill, in cameron county. Very top of the mountain. We have 54 acres of forest. (Dedicated follower Brad Farabaugh's account from a recent camping trip.)

Thursday, April 23, 2015
Footprint Sent from a Follower
A footprint sent from our dear friend on his recent camping trip. Big bear or Squatch? P.S. sorry for being gone for so long, but we are back!
Thursday, April 9, 2015
Thoughts on the Patterson Video.
When you first view the video, you think to yourself, this can't possibly be real. I'll admit, it's what I thought after first looking at it. Then you read about how it was certainly busted as a hoax, the costume maker and the person allegedly in the suit admitted it? You fall into the trap of just immediately dismissing it. There are some compelling arguments it has going for it however. With so many people claiming to be the man in the suit, how can you take one of their word without any hard evidence. The shoe can be on the other foot with regards to exploitation. The BFRO notes how many people tried to get rich of the "we exposed the Patterson footage" documentaries. Patterson even on his death bed never admitted to staging a hoax. What would he have to lose by finally admitting it then. This brings us to the actual footage.
The creature walking is just so calm, it doesn't run or anything. Patterson is smart enough to obtain this costume that looks so natural it stumps people for years. He sets up this elaborate hoax, but then just says lets have the bigfoot just stroll through the woods like he is going on a Sunday afternoon walk with miss daisey. It's just really weird to me. The bigfoot walks through the woods like a boss to be honest, like he owns the forest. The creature has encountered humans before so he probably doesn't feel immediately threatened. Why wouldn't they shoot? I wouldn't shoot if I saw that creature walking away from me in the woods, why would you draw attention to yourself and have it attack you? That video we posted mentions the hernia and if you look closely it is uncanny how the muscles move on the creature. The fur looks to be directly on the skin and muscles, the muscle movement looks legit. I don't see a suit there.
Look this video has been analyzed a million different times, and now that Patterson is gone, I personally am not sure if I will ever know it was a hoax. The more I watch, and the more I think about it, I want to believe it is a Squatch. I guess until there is hard evidence one way or another there is no way anyone can say with 100 percent certainty that it was a hoax.
BFRO Report of the Day. Examining the Patterson Footage.
Sorry for the lack of content yesterday friends. We try to get some sort of daily content up as much as humanly possible. Anyways we will stuff our sorrys in a sack for now. So if you are interested in Sasquatch you have probably saw this iconic Patterson video that pretty much exploded the bigfoot scene. This video is a pretty good look at it. Claiming the footage is real.
If you got some time to kill or want to read it a little bit at a time, here is a link from the BFRO, where they examine everything you could ever want to know about the footage. http://www.bfro.net/news/korff_scam.asp I won't go into details since it is covered so extensively there. Was it real or fake? You be the judge.
If you got some time to kill or want to read it a little bit at a time, here is a link from the BFRO, where they examine everything you could ever want to know about the footage. http://www.bfro.net/news/korff_scam.asp I won't go into details since it is covered so extensively there. Was it real or fake? You be the judge.
Tuesday, April 7, 2015
Is the Government Covering up Bigfoot?
Why would the government want to hide bigfoot from us? Who knows why the government does anything, amiright?
The Champ is here! Pukwudgie Defeats Mongolian Death Worm.
Interest petered out towards the end of Squatch Madness, but it finished none the less. The lil tricky, evil, and magical Pukwudgie took the crown. Thank you to all who participated. Here is a little information about that tricky Pukwudgie. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pukwudgie
Monday, April 6, 2015
Somerset Video.
Shows some deer running through the woods. Was good to test out the camera and get a layout of the area.
Somerset Expedition Photos
Here is a link to the Somerset expedition photos. https://www.flickr.com/photos/130211497@N03/sets/72157651380336980/ No class A sightings or anything of that nature, but a few interesting things none the less. You can see the wooded area is very Squatchy. We turned up some odd things, like the huge rock being moved, the tree snapped, and the impression. Thats all speculative of course. Welp you can't hit a home run every time amiright. We will never force or forge any evidence obviously. We plan to do another outing in the Carrolltown area, near the lake where there was a documented sighting towards the end of April.
Saturday, April 4, 2015
Saturday Expedition!
Got some interesting stuff from today's expedition. It will all be up on the blog on Monday. Until then have a wonderful Easter friends!
Friday, April 3, 2015
BFRO Report of the Day. Juvenile Squatch Out of Oklahoma.
This report comes from Oklahoma, where there appears to be a good amount of sightings. We picked this one because it comes with a neat little sketch of what the witness saw. The witnesses are actual BFRO investigators. They observed a young squatch who looked be content with just observing the witnesses then going on his way. They claimed there were impressions and noises heard as well. The only thing I find odd is that the witness had a camera, looked at the creature for over five minutes, but didn't take a picture because it was at the bottom of his pack? Weird, anyway here is the link to the full report http://www.bfro.net/GDB/show_report.asp?id=23733. Here is the sketch done by Sybilla Irwin.
Thursday, April 2, 2015
Expedition Calendar of Events.
Hello friends,
I just wanted to lay out the upcoming expedition schedule. This will be a tentative schedule, but the goal of the society is to go out on a minimum of one expedition a month. On April 4th it is going to be in Somerset County. We would like to get another one in late April. I'm thinking investigating the area around the Carrolltown lake, which was detailed in an earlier BFRO report, would be an interesting trip that wouldn't require much time. In May, investigating the Prince Gallitzan/Glendale or Johnstown woods would be something that sounds groovy. I will provide more detailed updates as the expeditions draw closer! In the meantime look for the results of the Somerset expedition and check the site for daily Squatch content. Thank you kindly.
Yours in Squatch,
The PA Squatch Society.
I just wanted to lay out the upcoming expedition schedule. This will be a tentative schedule, but the goal of the society is to go out on a minimum of one expedition a month. On April 4th it is going to be in Somerset County. We would like to get another one in late April. I'm thinking investigating the area around the Carrolltown lake, which was detailed in an earlier BFRO report, would be an interesting trip that wouldn't require much time. In May, investigating the Prince Gallitzan/Glendale or Johnstown woods would be something that sounds groovy. I will provide more detailed updates as the expeditions draw closer! In the meantime look for the results of the Somerset expedition and check the site for daily Squatch content. Thank you kindly.
Yours in Squatch,
The PA Squatch Society.
The Boggy Creek Bigfoot. Is he Hiding in Arkansas?
This video provides information about some Bigfoot encounters in Arkansas. The people appear pretty convinced that they saw something. Well except those two wet blankets at the end.
Wednesday, April 1, 2015
The Championship, for all the Marbles.
Welp it has all come to this. In the blue corner is the upstart Pukwudgie who is always underestimated, but never underdressed. He uses magic and he uses trickery. He is small in stature, but big on delivering pain. In the red corner is the massive Mongolian Death Worm with all the right moves. He can shrug off an opponent's blow like the rain on a warm spring day. He will swallow you whole, he is 35-1, with the lone defeat coming at the hands of the charming Kevin Bacon. Leeeeeets get reeeeady to tuuuuuumble.
Tuesday, March 31, 2015
Rest of the Squatch Scouting Photos
Here is a link to the rest of the photos taken on the scouting trip. https://www.flickr.com/photos/130211497@N03/sets/72157651254231578/
Found some neat stuff in our humble opinion. Select photos can be seen on the left of the page in slideshow form, and a link is also under the links section of the blog.
Found some neat stuff in our humble opinion. Select photos can be seen on the left of the page in slideshow form, and a link is also under the links section of the blog.
Monday, March 30, 2015
Squatch Photo from a Scouting Trip
This image is three photos placed next to each other, taken consecutively.All I did was circle the dark figure and place black lines to separate the pictures. I just want to get the pictures on the blog tonight. Will explain more about the trip and upload more photos including the three originals in the morning.
BFRO Report of the Day. Squatch Observed While Fishing. (2000)
This report comes from Cambria County, where we are stationed. The area is Carrolltown and the witness observed the creature while fishing very late at night. She appears very sure of what she saw and gives a decent description of the creature. How frightening would it be for this creature to be walking up on you late at night, while you are alone in a sparsely populated area? It's an interesting account in an area that we can easily get access to and investigate, Give it a read here http://www.bfro.net/GDB/show_report.asp?id=7137 Also don't tease the witnesses of these sightings, they had to have seen something, and we would venture to say most just don't just make things up. geeeeesh
The Trial Run
Hello all of you squatch friends. Didn't get as much done over the weekend as we had initially hoped, with the weather being freezing and all. We did get the trail cameras set up in a Squatchy looking area and will report back any interesting findings with that. The weather is starting to look up, and looks promising for the first hunt on April 4th. Any who have a pleasant Monday, try not to let it get you to down. Squatch on!
The Final Four...How Exciting!
Well the interest has died down for Squatch Madness. Only 6 votes for the elite 8, here's to bringing back the excitement. However the Squatch must go on. The final four voting is open and will run until April 1st. Can the upstart Pukwudgie take down the mighty Squatch? Can super serial Man Bear Pig take down the worm from tremors? The anticipation is killing us.
Friday, March 27, 2015
Interview Detailing an Encounter with Sasquatches
Was it Sasquatch that he saw? Nobody can say for sure, but in a great majority of witness testimony we believe the individual saw something. Was that something Squatch? One day we will find out.
Squatch Stories
If any follower or blog visitor has any Squatch stories they would like to have posted on the site, well that would just be groovy. No judging, you can be anonymous, we just want to hear some Squatch stories. If you have had an experience and want to share, email us at pasquatchsociety@yahoo.com. Ok good talk Russ.
Thursday, March 26, 2015
BFRO Report of the Day. Sasquatch Swimming in Canada. (2004)
This report takes us outside of PA and is from our neighbors up north. Specifically it is from British Columbia, which has had 130 BFRO documented sightings with the most recent occurring in 2014. Here is the link http://www.bfro.net/GDB/show_report.asp?id=9819 The Squatch is observed swimming and acting very human like, however when he exits the water the witness describes him as something very different. Give it a read won't you?
On to the Elite 8.
Welp we have reached the elite 8 of cryptid crazyness! Moving on from the 2nd round are Squatch, Jersey Devil, Mothman, Pukwudgie, Nessie, Mongolian Death Worm, super serial Man Bear Pig, and Chupacabra. Voting will be open for a few days, then on to the final four! We will give away a little something special at the end of Squatch Madness if we can get a little more interest going. If we get 20 votes in the elite 8 through the finals we will give a great t-shirt away to a random follower.
Wednesday, March 25, 2015
Squatch Vocalization from Minnesota.
This youtube video contains some intense howling and moaning vocalization. Whether it is a squatch or not, it is still eery and mesmerizing. If you are really into it and got some time on your hands this link http://sasquatchresearchers.org/march-2012-minnesota-howls/ from the Sasquatch Research Organization breaks the vocalization down into sections and analyzes it. They also draw some interesting conclusions from the audio. Regardless of if it's Squatch or not, interesting none the less.
Tuesday, March 24, 2015
The Trial and First Expedition
Hey friends, I thought I would lay out the plan for the first expedition and give sort of a timeline. This weekend we are going to try to go on a trial run to test out our equipment to make sure things go smooth for the real deal. We plan on taking some photos and doing a couple different things on the trial run and we will report that back on the blog. Then the first or second week of April we are going to set up some trail cameras and go on the first expedition to try to gather some evidence of Squatch in PA. When the time comes we will refresh your memory on where to find photos and video. The trial run and first expedition will also be detailed on the blog. Until then check out one of our members Maryland expedition photos https://www.flickr.com/photos/130211497@N03/ as well as his detailed account http://pasquatchsociety.blogspot.com/2015/03/a-member-details-maryland-expedition.html keep checking the blog for interesting Squatch information and have some fun as we finish out Squatch Madness and vote!
BFRO Report of the Day. Whistling Child Like Creature Covered in Hair (1839)
Yes you read that date correctly. Lets hit the wayback machine, step in the Delorean, and go back to the simpler times of 1839. Here is the actual report http://www.bfro.net/GDB/show_article.asp?id=264 I love this report, it's so interesting to me reading about an account of seeing a Sasquatch from 1839. The way it is written, and how odd it is that the creature is described as being a whistling boy covered in hair. Almost acting in a whimsical fashion.
Monday, March 23, 2015
An Ode to Squatch
The curious sun rises in a tepid manner, filling the morning sky. It stretches tired arms and extends a soft embrace over the landscape. Stunning shades of orange, pink, and yellow light up the ever watchful clouds, somewhere deep in the forest an eager Squatch opens his sleepy eyes. His coarse hair is covered with gentle dew drops that the morning hath brought. They glisten, almost as if dancing, in the light of the friendly sun. Squinting he looks out into the unknown as he whispers to himself, will today be the day I am discovered? Still staring into the great beyond he let's out a forlorn sigh, perhaps tomorrow. FIN
BFRO Report of the Day (with Video)
This sighting took place in 2000 and involved some youth group that was camping. This link has the report from the BFRO and the Video http://bigfootevidence.blogspot.com/2015/03/this-is-original-marble-mountain.html . If you skip to about 2:40 in the video you can see where the supposed Squatch comes on camera. It's just so far away it could be anything or just a person walking around in an odd fashion. You be the judge. Here is the youtube video.
End of Round 1
So we reach the end of round one. Lots of good battles so far, but moving on from round 1B are Nessi, Wendigo, Mermaid, Mongolian Death Worm, Yet, Man Bear Pig, Chupacabra, and Beast of Bladenboro. Voting for round 2 starts and will end two days from now. Vote now, it's Squatch Madness!
Friday, March 20, 2015
Squatch Madness Round 1B
Look at all those polls to your left and vote! It's Squatch Madness round 1B. Moving on from round 1A is everyones favorite charmer Sasquatch as well as Champ, Jersey Devil, Beast of Gevaudan, Mothman, Mokele-Mbembe, Garou, and the upset special, that tricky lil Pukwudgie. Check out the updated bracket here http://bracketcloud.com/tournament/24682 . A nice round of creatures coming into round 1B including the tenacious, the terrifying Man Bear Pig...he is super serial about winning guys. Have fun!
Thursday, March 19, 2015
BFRO Report of the Day. Clearfield County, Two Bigfoots. (2013)
So for those not into Squatch Madness, we haven't forgotten about you. Here is your BFRO report of the day. http://www.bfro.net/GDB/show_report.asp?id=42051 It is a lengthy one, but very detailed. It's interesting in that it involves two bigfoots sighted at the same time and is very recent. The sighting occurred in broad daylight and the man appears very sure of what he saw. At no point did he feel threatened and the creatures really didn't acknowledge his presence. An interesting read for sure.
Wednesday, March 18, 2015
Squatch Madness Polls are Open!
Squatch Madness is here! Look over at all those polls on the left of the website. Vote on who you think will win the Crypto Creature battle. The polls will be open for 2 days until Friday morning then 8 more matchups will be introduced with two more days to vote. The first round will be completed at the end of the weekend and the bracket will be updated. How will you decided on who would win? Use your imagination and have fun with it, anything goes! Remember the link to view the bracket can be found here http://bracketcloud.com/tournament/24682 or in the links section. Also the creature descriptions are posted on the site as well. Let the madness begin!
Tuesday, March 17, 2015
Introducing the Creatures!
Beast of Busco – Giant ancient turtle, Indiana
Beast of Bladenboro – Blood sucking cat like beast, North Carolina
Beast of Dartmoor - Lion pig beast, England
Beast of Gevaudan – Wolf like beast, France
Black panther – Large black cougar, East coast, Appalachian mountains
Boggy Creek Monster – Bigfoot-like creature from Arkansas
Caddy (cadborosaurus) – Sea monster from the pacific northwest coast.
Champ – Lake monster, Lake Champlain, NY/VT
Chupacabra – Blood sucking spiny creature. Americas
Frogman – Half frog and half man from Loveland OH
Garou – Werewolf like creature, Louisiana, Cajun Werewolf
Gnome – Small mischievous humanoids, world wide
Goatman - Half Goat and Half Man from
Hellhound – Large demonic wolf like canine with black fur and red eyes
Jersey Devil – Demonic flying biped with hooves. NJ
Lizard Man – Half lizard and half man from South Carolina
Man Bear Pig – Half man, half pig, half bear
Mongolian Death Worm – Gobi desert Mongolia (Think Tremors and Kevin Bacon)
Mermaid – Half fish and half human
Mokele-Mbembe – Dinosaur/Sauropod, Republic of Congo
Mothman – Mothlike humanoid from West Virginia
Nessie – Sea Monster from Loch Ness, Scotland
Ogopogo – Lake monster, Lake Okanagan in Canada
Ozark Howler – Carnivorous mammal beast, AK, MI, OK and TX
Pope Lick Monster – Part human part goat/sheep, may resemble Minatare, KY
Pukwudgie – Small humanoid creature, troll like features, can disappear, use magic, tricky, MA
Ropen – Flying Pterosaur, Papua New Guinea
Sasquatch – You know who I am
Skunk Ape – Bigfoot’s smaller smellier cousin from Florida
Thunderbird – Giant bird of prey, North America
Wendigo – Half human beast of Great Lakes areas US and Canada, thought that people who eat
human flesh will turn into the wendigo.
Yeti – Bigfoots Himalayan relative
Introducing Squatch Madness!
Ever sit around wondering who would win in a battle between Sasquatch and those nasty mutant sand worms from tremors? We know we have, and now you can wonder no more! We are going to have a little march madness fun before we go out on our first expedition. Starting Thursday you will be able to vote on the matchups via polls on the left side of the blog. The polls will stay open for a day or two and then another round will be introduced and the bracket results will be updated. There will be 32 creatures facing off and some you probably have never heard of. No sweat, we will be introducing descriptions of all the creatures or you can do a quick search on your own. To look at the bracket click this link http://bracketcloud.com/tournament/24682 . A link is also available in the links section of the webpage under Squatch Madness. Lets have some fun here!
A Member Details the Maryland Expedition
Instead of doing a daily BFRO report we are going to change things up a bit. We are going to give one of our members first hand account of what he saw on the Maryland expedition in which the recent photos came from. So without further adieu here it is.
"We were pretty far into the woods at the time, we had been hiking for probably a little over an hour on the North side of the river. We were about 15 yards or so inland from the waters edge walking slow and i noticed that "we" had bounced a deer on the opposite side of the river around 80 yards from us. I just caught the tail taking off directly away from us through the thick perpendicular to the river. A split second after I saw the deer turn tail and I was still scanning the other bank I caught a glimpse of something through the branches and other growth of what looked like a pair of large dark bipedal legs walking towards where the deer took off from. I immediately signaled to the other member on the expedition to stop and take cover, and told him, there is someone over there! Hoping we could continue to observe from cover I tried to find the figure again but could not. I had only caught a quick glimpse of the large dark lower portion of a body walking in and out from behind various trees while the upper portion was obscured from view due to the vegetation. The area was quite shaded which also made identification difficult. Unfortunately the other member had not noticed the fleeing deer or the bipedal figure as i was in front. It all happened so fast and was over just as fast. We continued our expedition as planned, eventually crossing to the other side of the river to where I had seen the activity but we were unable to find any definitive evidence of the presence of another biped so it just gets chalked up to another fun story as it is hard to say 100% I saw what I saw, if that makes any sense but to this day I wonder if it was us that had bounced that deer or something else."
Interesting stuff, a class B sighting we would say. Class B sightings indicate that something was observed but it could have been a case of mistaken identity and the evidence is inconclusive. It could have been another person in the woods, or some other animal, but maybe not. The mud impressions and snapped branch could be a coincidence, but who could say for sure. Either way it's about being out in the woods, having a good time, searching for Squatch. We will have a similar PA expedition soon and hope to uncover more evidence. Stay tuned!
"We were pretty far into the woods at the time, we had been hiking for probably a little over an hour on the North side of the river. We were about 15 yards or so inland from the waters edge walking slow and i noticed that "we" had bounced a deer on the opposite side of the river around 80 yards from us. I just caught the tail taking off directly away from us through the thick perpendicular to the river. A split second after I saw the deer turn tail and I was still scanning the other bank I caught a glimpse of something through the branches and other growth of what looked like a pair of large dark bipedal legs walking towards where the deer took off from. I immediately signaled to the other member on the expedition to stop and take cover, and told him, there is someone over there! Hoping we could continue to observe from cover I tried to find the figure again but could not. I had only caught a quick glimpse of the large dark lower portion of a body walking in and out from behind various trees while the upper portion was obscured from view due to the vegetation. The area was quite shaded which also made identification difficult. Unfortunately the other member had not noticed the fleeing deer or the bipedal figure as i was in front. It all happened so fast and was over just as fast. We continued our expedition as planned, eventually crossing to the other side of the river to where I had seen the activity but we were unable to find any definitive evidence of the presence of another biped so it just gets chalked up to another fun story as it is hard to say 100% I saw what I saw, if that makes any sense but to this day I wonder if it was us that had bounced that deer or something else."
Interesting stuff, a class B sighting we would say. Class B sightings indicate that something was observed but it could have been a case of mistaken identity and the evidence is inconclusive. It could have been another person in the woods, or some other animal, but maybe not. The mud impressions and snapped branch could be a coincidence, but who could say for sure. Either way it's about being out in the woods, having a good time, searching for Squatch. We will have a similar PA expedition soon and hope to uncover more evidence. Stay tuned!
Monday, March 16, 2015
Ways to See the Maryland Expedition Photos
A couple different ways to see the photos from the previously mentioned expedition that a few of the members went on. They are streaming on the left side of the page at the very top. If you want to get a closer look click on the flickr link in the links section of the blog located a little farther down from the photo stream. Or search for us on flickr under pasquatchsociety. Lastly you can click this link https://www.flickr.com/photos/130211497@N03/ or the link in the previous blog post. I think that just about covers it. Enjoy friends.
Photos from Previous Squatch Hunt
I should probably clarify this. The upcoming expedition will not be everyone's first Squatch hunt. It will be the PA Squatch Society's first hunt as a group. We are not a bunch of newbies here folks. One of our founding fathers along with another member has squatched in Maryland before relocating to PA. So rest assured we have some Squatch experience here at the PA Squatch Society. You probably want to see some photos of that expedition yes? Here is a link to view them on our flickr stream https://www.flickr.com/photos/130211497@N03/
New Poll. Where to Squatch?
There is a new poll up on the left hand side, below our logo. Where should we conduct our first Squatch expedition? Give us your thoughts and vote. If you choose other, please make your suggestion known in the comments section. Thank ya kindly. Have a squatchy day!
BFRO Report of the Day. Elk County Images
This report from 2007 has some photographic evidence attached to it that is pretty remarkable. The quick report is that a hunter was trying to capture a buck on his trail camera and ended up with this picture. This evidence is documented on the BFRO site here http://www.bfro.net/GDB/show_article.asp?id=544 . The more interesting link is from the WPXI news website, which includes the photo. http://www.wpxi.com/news/news/bigfoot-images-captured-by-local-hunter/nGgTj/
A local forest ranger believes it is a mangy bear, the BFRO believes it's a juvenile Squatch. What do you believe?
A local forest ranger believes it is a mangy bear, the BFRO believes it's a juvenile Squatch. What do you believe?
The First Expedition
Hello Friends. The time for our first Squatch expedition is fast approaching. We are not sure of the exact date yet, in that we are trying to get a day that works for everyones schedule. It will be late March or early April, and will be the society's first adventure. We are looking at a variety of locations including Glendale/Prince Gallitzin, places outside the Ebensburg and Johnstown area, and some locations closer to Pittsburgh. We plan to set up some trail cameras, take some audio and video, and investigate for evidence such as footprints and structures. In the mean time hang with us and check out the site for some Squatch material and other fun stuff. Thanks for your patience and as always Squatch on!
Friday, March 13, 2015
BFRO Report of the Day. Large Biped Sighting Near Pittsburgh (2006)
This sighting http://www.bfro.net/GDB/show_report.asp?id=15306 occurred in Alleghany county. We like this report because it shows some common characteristics of a Squatch sighting. The subject observes a foul smelling odor in the air before the sighting. They also report the size of the creature to be around 8-9 feet tall. It is also interesting that the woman's family members that were in the woods at the time reports hearing noises and this common feeling of being watched by a creature of high intelligence. These all appear to be somewhat common themes. A good report, interesting stuff.
Thursday, March 12, 2015
BFRO Report of the Day. Sasquatch Sounds in Prince Galitzin Park
This link is from the BFRO report http://www.bfro.net/GDB/show_report.asp?id=26957 . It documents an encounter a man had while hunting on the state game lands. Here is audio of an example of what he heard http://www.bfro.net/avevid/sierrasounds/Whoop.mp3 . He appears to be a strong credible source, with knowledge of the animal life within the area. This looks like a prime spot for our first research expedition. It has had various recent encounters recorded and is well within driving distance for us.
Wednesday, March 11, 2015
Squatch Madness
Pretty excited about a fun little idea we are going to be dropping on you shortly. It's going to be march madness themed and be really fun in our humble opinion. We are working out the details and will be announcing by the end of the week.
Morning Reading Material
Looking for some morning reading material with your coffee and eggs? Click on this link http://www.animalplanet.com/tv-shows/finding-bigfoot/lists/10-bigfoot-sightings-last-5-years/ and check out some recent sightings courtesy of Animal Planet.
Tuesday, March 10, 2015
Follow us on Twitter
Remember that poll you voted on. Quick now look below it to follow us on twitter. It takes one click probably. You should do it. Sheetz follows us, so should you.
Very Important Poll
Look over to your left. Directly above Squatch Photos. Please vote for your initial thoughts about the website. Thank you kindly!
Morning Squatch
Good morning Squatch friends! The link above details a finding bigfoot episode that took place in Pennsylvania. Some pretty interesting stuff. The details of the kids sighting sounds a little suspicious, but the description of the search is something we are going to try to be emulating. There are sightings like this all over PA, including minutes from our area. There are probably sightings minutes from your own homes as well (check here http://www.bfro.net/GDB/state_listing.asp?state=pa ). This gets us excited to go on our own search in which a date will be determined shortly. Anywho enjoy the link and Squatch on.
Good morning Squatch friends! The link above details a finding bigfoot episode that took place in Pennsylvania. Some pretty interesting stuff. The details of the kids sighting sounds a little suspicious, but the description of the search is something we are going to try to be emulating. There are sightings like this all over PA, including minutes from our area. There are probably sightings minutes from your own homes as well (check here http://www.bfro.net/GDB/state_listing.asp?state=pa ). This gets us excited to go on our own search in which a date will be determined shortly. Anywho enjoy the link and Squatch on.
Monday, March 9, 2015
Website Tour
Hello Friends. Let me give you a brief tour of the bare bones of the website. The first thing you see at the top is the title and brief description of the society. Directly below is our society's beautiful logo, designed by the wonderful Brad Farabaugh. Directly below that, in the center of the page, you will see all of the blog posts. These will include random thoughts as well as give out squatch information and detail our searches. To the left of that you will see some random squatch photos for now. These will eventually change to include photos from our search outings. Below that is the blog archive where you can find any post you may want to read. Then you will see some squatch links that will grow with the site. Right now you can read about confirmed squatch sightings all over the country, as well as right here in PA. If you would be so kind there is a gadget below the links to join our site, this is 100% free. I'm starting to go long so I'll wrap this up, it's all in good squatch though. Below the sign up is a list of our members, ways to share the site, and random squatch videos which will eventually be our youtube channel. Lastly at the very bottom we have our countdown to our first squatch outing, which is subject to change depending on schedules. Thank you kindly for your time and enjoy our website.
Website Construction
Please hang with us as the website undergoes changes and improvements. Any Suggestions would be welcomed.
Welcome Friends
Welcome to the PA Squatch Society. Our goal here is to search for Sasquatch with friends and have a groovy time doing it. We would like to share our experiences with you and give a fresh twist on the subject. There will be a great group of people contributing with various backgrounds. We all have one thing in common, a passion for squatch. Give us a follow on twitter @squatchsociety. Also there will be sweet t-shirts available for purchase.
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